Kara Campbell

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Final Product Proposal

Introduction and Statement of Purpose
For my final product in ISM, I hope to create a better injury prevention warm up for the girls soccer team at Frisco High School. As a captain and a recovered ACL tear sufferer, it is very important to me to implement a warm up that will better ensure the safety and high performance of my team through a new and improved warm up. I will be applying the skills I learn and develop during my time with Rachel, the outside research I conduct that she has assigned to me, and the data I gather throughout my mentor visits at the clinic in order to create this product.
Review of Skills and Research
The research topics that will be crucial to the creation of my product will be anything under the umbrella of ACL return to play physical therapy. Some topics my mentor and I have already begun to discuss are injury prevention (such as the FIFA 11+ warm up) and strength versus power. I will be exploring more about these topics as well as expanding my knowledge on other topics that are relevant to my product’s topic.
One skill I have already learned is flexibility, because due to coronavirus everything is different and even more difficult. However, I am confident my mentor and I will be able to successfully work around these challenges. I will also be utilizing hard work and adapting skills throughout the creation of my product as I continue to learn and develop as an aspiring physical therapist.
Participants: Different patients in the clinic will be observed during this time. Along with this, my soccer team will participate after I have created and implemented the warm up.I will also be utilizing the help of my teammates and friends to test out my warm up and gather subjective data.
Materials: The only necessary materials are the notes I will take, a computer for my visual, and cones or something to mark distances with.
Description of Process and Procedures: For the first weeks of my final product, my steps will consist of going on my mentor visits, observing, researching, and doing the homework assigned to me by Rachel. After she and I have decided I have enough information to begin creating my visual, the next step will be to transfer my research onto a visual and the creation of a better warm up. Then I will test it out on myself and others while also comparing it to the FIFA 11+ and gathering subjective data. The last steps will come in the final weeks of my product, where I will be finishing up my product with approval from Rachel.
Utilization of Higher-Level Thinking Skills
The two higher-level thinking skills I will be utilizing every day I work on my product will be evaluating and analyzing. When in the clinic, I will be evaluating patients as well as learning more about ACL return to play programs from Rachel. The evaluation will come from my face-to-face visits with my mentor and experiences in the clinic. The analyzing will come later with equal importance. I will analyze the data I gather and the research I conduct in order to compose my final product. Evaluating and analyzing are the two skills that will be the most crucial for me to apply during the creation of my product.

I anticipate that my final product will be a well put together, easily accessible visual for athletes who have questions about their return to play program. This product is directed towards the girls soccer team at my school and is designed to benefit my school soccer team as they will have a better chance at successfully preventing injuries through a better warm up. The intention of my product is to improve the warm up in order to maximize the safety and performance quality of the team.