Kara Campbell

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Email: karacampbell@mygrande.net

Linkedin: https://www.linkedin.com/in/kara-campbell-1263651b4/ 

Blog #24:

Spring Break

This week was spring break! It was kind of difficult to put some ISM work in during this week because my family and I went on vacation to the beach! The relaxation was nice, but I was still in contact with Rachel the whole time for my assignments. This week’s work was performed on myself! This is because, in the game I had last Tuesday, I went in for a very aggressive tackle that left me with a hyperextended knee and a contusion in my kneecap. My first go-to was Rachel, who suggested many different exercises for me to do over spring break to rehab my knee back to normal. For a few days after the injury, I could not straighten my knee and I walked with a pretty serious limp. But I kept it moving, took anti inflammatory medicine, and alternated between ice and heat while keeping up with the movements Rachel recommended to me and as of today I feel like I have regained full mobility! I also spent about 20 minutes on Thursday researching knee hypertension and contusions, but it wasn't enough to write an assessment over or fully understand the concept, so that’s a potential topic for a later ISM week.