Kara Campbell

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Blog #13


This was the first week back of school and ISM after Thanksgiving Break. My break was nice and relaxing and I was able to spend a lot of good quality time with my family and friends (while following all COVID-19 restrictions) and, to my delight, my original work experiment came to a close! I have successfully completed eight weeks of daily physical therapy and recorded any and all means of progress. I have organized all my data into a spreadsheet, which is the most important part of my project and one of the things I will turn in for the assignment. I am already thinking of ways I can turn this data and knowledge into a useful means of helping out other young athletes and keep them from injuring themselves! It was, albeit, a very labor intensive project - and yes, I was very sore almost every day - but I can say with full confidence that it has made me a stronger and better athlete. I feel better than I have ever felt and my performance levels are at an all time high. But the most exciting thing by far is knowing that, if I do my final project right, I can help other people to feel just as amazing as I do, which has always been my goal. I am looking forward to finalizing my original work next week in ISM!