Kara Campbell

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Blog #12


Very exciting things happened this week in ISM! This week, I finally decided on who I wanted to ask to be my mentor. I have just sent the email to Rachel de los Santos asking her to help me along my ISM physical therapy journey as my first mentor! I am very, very excited. Mrs. de los Santos is a wonderful person and an incredible orthopedic physical therapist, and I look forward to her response which I am sincerely hoping will be a yes. It may take until after Thanksgiving break to be approved, but I am okay with that because I will (hopefully) finally have a mentor! This will allow me to go on mentor visits and get some hands on, real world experience, which is what I am most excited for above all. Obviously things are difficult and restricted due to COVID, but I am hopeful and optimistic that Mrs. de los Santos and I will be able to work something out that will allow me to get into the clinic and observe her with her patients. I spent this week in ISM making sure everything was set and ready, and now all I will be doing is awaiting her response so that I can finally take the next step in my journey for this week in ISM.