Kara Campbell

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Blog #20

A Busy Work Week

This week in ISM was very busy for me. I got a lot done every class period and I feel as though I have set myself up very well for the next week. My mentor Rachel has yet to fill out the evaluation form for my product proposal and calendar, but she has told me in person that she thinks everything is very laid out and that she likes my ideas for my final product. I’m just waiting on her submission so I can make changes as needed and submit my final copy. I also completed a self-evaluation of my speech, which I feel went much better than last time but I am still a little frustrated with myself because I feel as though I could have done better. I also wrote a whole research assessment over the ACL return to play protocol so that I could further familiarize myself with the topic. I made a list of some points that I would like Rachel to elaborate on and some questions I want her to answer. It was very interesting! I love learning about it because it’s something I really enjoy and care about. I had a productive week in this class and I am ready to tackle the next week head on.